FALL IS UPON US: Rich Pagen's autumn NATURE and SCIENCE quiz about everything and anything!!!

Zegrahm Expeditions:

“Think you know our natural world? Don't forget to register for tomorrow's quiz with Expedition Leader and Conservation Biologist, Rich Pagen, for an afternoon of trivia fun! All you need to do is download the Poll Everywhere app (don’t worry – it’s free and easy!) on your phone or head to PollEv.com/adventuretog686 on your computer and you’ll be set to play against some of our leaders and fellow Zegrahm explorers from across the globe.
RSVP at: https://bit.ly/2HcLELU

Rich Pagen:

“4pm Central time, Thursday, 24 September! Don't miss it!

ONE HINT: There IS a question about chickadees. So feel free to stay up until 2am studying. But that's it already ... no more all the ahead-of-time help 🙂😜..“